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CMS Guide and Tips Print

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When your CMS development has been completed you can safely and easily start adding content to your website.

Your Domain Name: If you have not pointed your domain name to Bluby Hosting yet then you will use a Temp Website address until we get you moved over.  Example:


When you sign up for Bluby Hosting the first 8 characters is usually your username.

Example:  if my domain name is then my username would be:  /~joescrab


Once we point your domain name to Bluby Hosting then your Website address will be your domain name:

Accessing the CMS Admin: To access your CMS Admin simply put  /admin in front of your domain name.  

Example: or


Use the following username and password:  Username:  admin Password:  admin

Page Editor:
once you log in you will see the CMS has different sections.   Using Page Editor you can select your different pages to edit from the drop down menu.

- sidebar is to edit the small section on your site labled "sidebar"
- contact_top is to add text to the Contact page, above the Form.  Like an address or additional contact info.

Modules: modules is where you manage files like photos, music and store products.   Some modules are enabled and some are disabled depending on the project scope you have with Bluby Designs.

Social Networks: this is where you paste in your links to Facebook, Twitter, Youtube, Myspace and Google +.  These are not required and if you want to remove uneeded social icons from the home page please email support.

Newsletter: for those that asked for the Newsletter feature the CMS integrates with   Sign up for a free acount and paste in the embed code from Mail Chimp.

Styles: This is where you can set different fonts and styling to your pages.  This is for advanced users - send us a support ticket if you would like additional assitance with this module.

Few last Tips:

- when using the Page Editor try not to add too much formatting

- go to Settings tab and update your email address and paypal address

- always use Chrome or Firefox Browser when using the CMS for best results

- make sure your mp3's are under 5mb

- make sure your photos are lower case and under 500kb (example:  photo.jpg)

- you can edit your website Title by clicking Settings and filling in the Title Field

- for Photos you must first create a Category, then upload images into each Category

- when everything is setup you may change your admin password to something more strict

If you have any questions please submit a Support Ticket.


Team Bluby



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