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The Top 10 Breaking AI News For December 2023

By January 10, 2024January 24th, 2024No Comments
The Top 10 Breaking AI News for December 2023

Top 10 Breaking AI News December 2023: Essential Updates, Major Developments, Tech Advances, and Pioneering Innovations

Welcome to our special edition covering December 2023’s most impactful AI developments. This month, we witnessed groundbreaking strides in artificial intelligence that are set to reshape various sectors.

Highlighting our list is Google’s announcement of Gemini, a leap in AI sophistication that’s generating buzz across tech circles. Meanwhile, Tesla took the spotlight with the unveiling of their enhanced AI robot, Optimus Gen 2, showcasing a new era in robotic capabilities.

Amidst these technological leaps, a pivotal legal development unfolded as The New York Times initiated a lawsuit against OpenAI and Microsoft, highlighting the growing intersections between AI, ethics, and law.

These stories, along with others, represent significant shifts in the AI landscape, offering us a glimpse into a future where AI’s influence is both deep and far-reaching.

Google Announced Gemini

On December 06, 2023, Google introduced Gemini, a groundbreaking AI model developed by DeepMind and Google Research.

Unlike its predecessors, Gemini is a multimodal AI, capable of understanding and processing a variety of data types including text, images, audio, and video.  This versatility marks a significant evolution from models like LaMDA, which were limited to text data.

Gemini is available in three versions: Ultra, Pro, and Nano.

The Ultra version represents the full capabilities of the model, while the Pro and Nano versions are designed for more specific applications, with Nano being optimized for mobile devices like the Pixel 8 Pro. This tiered approach allows Gemini to be adaptable across different platforms, from powerful data centers to smartphones.

A notable feature of Gemini is its integration into Google’s existing products. The Pixel 8 Pro, for example, now uses Gemini Nano for enhanced on-device AI features, highlighting Google’s focus on privacy and offline functionality.

However, Gemini’s launch has not been without criticism. A demonstration video released by Google, which was initially thought to showcase Gemini’s real-time capabilities, was later revealed to have been pre-prepared, leading to some skepticism about its practical applications.

Despite this, Gemini represents a significant step in AI development, with its ability to understand and interact with multiple data types, positioning Google as a strong competitor in the AI landscape.

Phi-2 By Microsoft

On December 12, 2023, Microsoft revealed Phi-2, a transformative small language model (SLM) with 2.7 billion parameters.

Phi-2 is a significant advancement in Microsoft’s ongoing efforts to develop efficient and powerful AI models. This model follows its predecessors, Phi-1 and Phi-1.5, and represents a leap forward in the capabilities of smaller base language models.

A key feature of Phi-2 is its high-quality training data, which includes “textbook-quality” synthetic datasets. These datasets are specifically designed to teach the model common sense reasoning and general knowledge, focusing on a wide range of subjects, from science to daily activities.

Microsoft augmented these datasets with carefully selected web data, ensuring high educational value and content quality. The Phi-2 model was trained on 1.4 trillion tokens of this data, employing innovative scaling techniques to enhance its learning process.

Phi-2’s performance is impressive. Despite its relatively small size, it outperforms much larger models in various benchmarks, including commonsense reasoning, language understanding, math, and coding tasks. Specifically, it surpasses models like Mistral and Llama-2, which have significantly more parameters.

Additionally, Phi-2’s capabilities extend to real-world scenarios, demonstrating proficiency in solving physics problems and correcting student mistakes.

Another notable aspect of Phi-2 is its focus on safety and bias. The model’s training and development emphasized reducing toxicity, and it has shown better behavior in these respects compared to other open-source models that have undergone similar alignment processes. This focus on safety makes Phi-2 not just powerful, but also a responsible step forward in AI development.

Microsoft’s Dedicated Copilot App For Android

On December 26, 2023, Microsoft launched its Copilot app, an AI-powered chat assistant, for Android devices.

This move represents Microsoft’s deeper commitment to integrating advanced AI capabilities into everyday technology. The Copilot app stands out as a dedicated platform, distinct from Microsoft’s Bing Chat, emphasizing a more focused AI interaction experience.

The Copilot app is engineered to harness the latest OpenAI models, GPT-4 and DALL-E 3, offering users a range of functionalities from drafting emails to generating creative visuals from text descriptions. Its ability to understand complex queries and deliver precise, comprehensive responses marks a significant advancement in AI-powered digital assistance.

Notably, the app provides these services without the clutter of web search features found in Bing, focusing solely on AI interactions. This streamlined experience is expected to enhance productivity and foster creative endeavors on mobile devices.

An intriguing aspect of the Copilot app is its user accessibility. The app does not require a Microsoft account login, although signing in extends its capabilities, such as unlimited queries and enhanced image generation. Also noteworthy is its compatibility exclusively with Android 11 and newer versions, signaling Microsoft’s focus on modern mobile ecosystems.

Tesla Unveils Enhanced AI Robot: Optimus Gen 2

On December 12, 2023, Tesla introduced the next evolution of its humanoid robot, Optimus Gen 2, marking a significant leap in the field of humanoid robotics. This new iteration of Tesla’s ambitious project showcases a host of advancements aimed at improving both the functionality and efficiency of the robot.

Optimus Gen 2, which represents Tesla’s continuous effort in AI and robotics, is equipped with Tesla-designed actuators and sensors. These enhancements contribute to the robot’s more human-like movements and interactions. One of the standout features is the robot’s 2-Degree of Freedom (DoF) actuated neck, allowing for more flexible head movements, which closely mimic human behavior.

A critical development in Optimus Gen 2 is its increased walk speed, now 30% faster than its predecessor. This improvement in mobility is crucial for practical applications where speed and efficiency are essential. Moreover, the robot has achieved a significant weight reduction, shedding 10 kilograms without compromising structural integrity, which enhances its balance and agility.

The hands of the Optimus Gen 2 have undergone a significant upgrade, now featuring tactile sensing on all fingers. This development is particularly noteworthy as it enables the robot to handle delicate objects with greater precision and sensitivity. The robot’s improved dexterity was demonstrated in a video where it was shown delicately handling an egg, a task requiring considerable finesse and control.

Tesla plans to integrate Optimus Gen 2 into its manufacturing operations, proving its practicality before offering it for sale. The company’s CEO, Elon Musk, has high expectations for Optimus, predicting it will account for a significant portion of Tesla’s long-term value.

The New York Times Sues OpenAI And Microsoft

On December 27, 2023, The New York Times initiated a significant legal action against OpenAI and Microsoft, alleging copyright infringement.

The lawsuit, filed in Manhattan, claims that these tech giants unlawfully used millions of The Times’s articles to train and develop their artificial intelligence models, including ChatGPT and Microsoft’s Copilot.

The Times argues that this use of their content constitutes a violation of their intellectual property rights and has demanded compensation for the alleged infringement. The lawsuit underscores a growing concern in the media industry regarding the use of copyrighted material in training AI models.

The New York Times contends that the chatbots, through their use of the newspaper’s content, potentially compete with the newspaper as a source of reliable information and threaten the organization’s ability to provide such service. They claim that these infringements could lead to “billions of dollars in statutory and actual damages.”

OpenAI responded to the lawsuit, stating that they were surprised and disappointed, especially as conversations with The New York Times had been progressing constructively. OpenAI maintains that using publicly available data from the web, including articles like those from The Times, to train AI models is fair use.

This lawsuit marks a critical moment in the ongoing debate over the legality and ethics of using existing internet content to train AI systems. It reflects the broader concerns of content creators and rights holders about how their work is being used in the rapidly evolving field of AI and machine learning.

Apple’s Licensing Talks With News Publisher

As of December 22, 2023, Apple has been actively pursuing negotiations with major news and publishing organizations for licensing agreements.

These talks are centered around gaining access to publishers’ archives to aid in the development of Apple’s generative artificial intelligence systems. The technology giant proposed multi-year deals reportedly worth at least $50 million to license these archives, including content from renowned publishers like Condé Nast, NBC News, and IAC.

This move is part of Apple’s broader strategy to catch up in the generative AI race, a field currently led by companies like Microsoft, OpenAI, Google, and Meta.

Apple’s approach, however, is not without its challenges.

Some publishers have shown reservations, expressing concerns about potential legal issues and the possibility of Apple becoming a competitor in the future. There’s also a degree of skepticism about Apple’s intentions, as the company has been vague about its specific plans for content beyond AI training.

Greg Technology’s Live Demo Takes On Google’s Gemini AI

In a recent notable event in the tech world, ‘Greg Technology’, a popular YouTuber, made waves by conducting a live demonstration using OpenAI’s GPT-4 Vision, directly challenging the authenticity of Google’s Gemini AI demo.

Google’s showcase, while technologically impressive, had faced criticism for its perceived staged nature, particularly for using post-recorded voice interactions. Greg’s approach was starkly different. He chose to replicate Google’s demo in real-time, harnessing the advanced capabilities of GPT-4 Vision.

This bold move was not just about technological showmanship but also about injecting a sense of realism and practicality into AI demonstrations. By going live, Greg added an element of unpredictability and transparency that was missing in Google’s version.

This demonstration was more than a technical feat; it was a statement on the importance of authenticity in showcasing AI technologies. It highlighted the potential and real-world applicability of AI, moving beyond the controlled environments of staged demos. Greg’s live demo resonated with the tech community, sparking discussions and raising the bar for how AI demonstrations should be conducted in the future.

Pika Labs Unveils Web-Based AI Video Generator

On December 27, 2023, Pika Labs expanded its reach in the field of AI video generation by making its powerful AI video generator accessible through a web interface, broadening its availability beyond Discord users.

Users can create videos using prompts that combine images, text, or even video, enhancing their creative potential. This development in AI video generation technology is a step towards more accessible and diverse content creation, allowing users to easily bring their ideas to life in video format.

Pika Labs, already well-funded in the video AI startup arena, is competing with major players like Stability AI and Google in the prompt-to-video market.

AI-Assisted Antibiotic Discovery By MIT And Harvard

On December 20, 2023, researchers from MIT made a groundbreaking advancement in the field of medicine by discovering a new class of antibiotics using artificial intelligence.

This achievement is particularly significant considering the growing threat of antibiotic resistance, which has been a major global health concern. The resistance to antibiotics was responsible for approximately 1.27 million deaths in 2019 and contributed to many more.

This discovery, facilitated by a deep-learning algorithm, has identified compounds that are effective against antibiotic-resistant infections in mice, marking a substantial step forward in AI-guided drug discovery. The development of new classes of antibiotics has been stagnant for decades, making this achievement by MIT researchers even more remarkable.

Life2vec By DTU

On December 19, 2023, a significant stride was taken in artificial intelligence by researchers at the Technical University of Denmark (DTU) with the development of Life2vec. This AI model, reminiscent of transformers used in language processing, stands out with its unique ability to predict life events, including early mortality, with remarkable precision.

The researchers trained Life2vec on an extensive dataset encompassing the entire population of Denmark, integrating diverse factors such as medical history, education, employment, income, and marital status. This comprehensive approach enabled the AI to develop an insightful understanding of life patterns.

Notably, Life2vec demonstrated its predictive power by estimating individuals’ time of death with an impressive 78% accuracy. It achieved this by converting detailed life event data into digital values and vector representations, which it then analyzed to discern patterns and connections among these events.

Beyond mere predictions, Life2vec offers a novel lens to understand the complex interplay between social and health outcomes. Its ability to accurately foresee aspects like personality traits and lifespan underscores its transformative potential, especially in healthcare. However, the DTU researchers also stress the importance of ethical considerations and regulations in safeguarding individual rights before such a potent technology is applied in real-world scenarios.


As we conclude our journey through the top AI stories of December 2023, it’s evident that the realm of artificial intelligence is in a state of dynamic progression. These stories reflect the continuous evolution and integration of AI in various aspects of our lives, from media and entertainment to scientific research.

They also underscore the growing importance of ethical considerations in AI development and usage. As we move forward, these developments promise to not only captivate our imagination but also challenge our understanding of the potential and responsibilities inherent in AI technologies.